Killing bugs and tree trunks…with solar power…

So you have a sheep’s fleece (or any animal fiber with carpet beetles or wool moths) and need to kill the little buggers, eggs, larvae and adults. Soak in a heat bath of 130ºF for 2 hours. That means the center of the mass is at 130ºF…
Oven not available? Use the sun. And a heavy black plastic bag (contractor’s is great!). Place item(s) to be treated in bag. Place bag in full sun, up off the ground OR ON black asphalt, in 80ºF plus weather. Let sit there for a day or so. Should take care of the problem. A car will also work…
Pesky tree trunks sprouting? Want to avoid Round Up? Place black contractor’s plastic bag over stump. Seal bottom to ground. Let sit. After a few weeks the stump will finally die. After a few days of 90ºF heat, the leaves get all crispy.